charlieGenotype: EnEn
Group: Broken A Charlie is genetically a homozygous broken (two copies of the English Spotting gene). This results in a broken rabbit with minimal markings. Typically a Charlie will exhibit nose spots rather than a butterfly, colored ears, small eye circles, and possibly very minimal markings |
down the spine. Per the current SOP definition (as of 2019) a Broken must have at least 10% coloration in order to be shown. Many Charlies do not exhibit 10% coloration, and thus are not showable. However, if they do exhibit at least 10% color and meet all requirements for Brokens in their respective breed, they may be shown.
Broken Standard:
Broken consists of any recognized breed variety color in conjunction with white. Toenails are preferred to be white. Do not disqualify for mismatched or colored toenails. The eye color is to correspond with the eye color specified under the respective solid colored varieties.
Broken Standard:
Broken consists of any recognized breed variety color in conjunction with white. Toenails are preferred to be white. Do not disqualify for mismatched or colored toenails. The eye color is to correspond with the eye color specified under the respective solid colored varieties.