chinchillaGenotype: A- B- c(chd)- D- E-
Group: Agouti Standard: The surface color on the top and sides of the body is to be pearl white, ticked with jet black. There is a black band at the top of the intermediary band. The intermediary band is to be a well defined pearl white over a dark slate-blue |
undercolor. The chest is to be a pearl white over a dark slate-blue undercolor. The top of the tail is to be black, sparsely ticked with white, over a dark slate-blue undercolor. The nape of the neck is to be white, with the ears laced in black. Eyes - Brown.
Faults - Fault animals that are too light or too dark in surface color, or too light in the color of the intermediary band or undercolor. Brown patches or brownish intermediary bands are undesirable.
Faults - Fault animals that are too light or too dark in surface color, or too light in the color of the intermediary band or undercolor. Brown patches or brownish intermediary bands are undesirable.